Registration form

Registration forms:

School of Humanities - Online Info Day, 16th May 2023

Informativna dneva Univerze v Novi Gorici - splošna predstavitev


UNG Info Days - General presentation for candidates from Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNG Info Days - General presentation in Macedonian

Informativni dan Univerze v Novi Gorici, 15. september 2022

University of Nova Gorica Info Day, 12th September 2023

Informativni dan Fakultete za humanistiko Univerze v Novi Gorici, 16. maj 2023

Teden UNG - UNG Week

Socialising with Erasmus+ students

FN/UNG Info dnevi 2023

PTF/UNG Info dnevi 2023

PTF/UNG Info days 2023

Informativna dneva na Fakulteti za humanistiko, 17. in 18. februarja 2023

FN/UNG Info day 2023

School of Arts UNG Info days 2023

Information Day - School of Environmental Sciences, 17. 2. 2024

University of Nova Gorica Online Info Day for candidates from Serbia

Predavanje: Kako se boriti za človekove pravice? Primer delovanja Amnesty International

Info Day - School of Science, UNG, 12th September 2023

Informativni dan Fakultete za naravoslovje, UNG, 12. september 2023

Info Day - School for Viticulture and Enology, UNG, 14th May 2024

Info Day - School of Arts, UNG, 16th May 2023

Informativni dan Fakultete za humanistiko

Information day at the School of Humanities

Masters of Arts / School of Arts UNG / info-day

Informativna dneva na Fakulteti za humanistiko (16. in 17. februar 2024)

Information days at the School of Humanities 2024

Informativni dnevi Poslovno-tehniške fakultete 2024

Information days of School of Engineering and Management 2024

Informativni dnevi Poslovno-tehniške fakultete 2024 (NVOI)

Information days of School of Engineering and Management 2024 (LOE)

Informativni dan - Fakulteta za znanosti o okolju, 17. 2. 2024

Informativni dan Fakultete za znanosti o okolju 16.2.2024

Information day School for Environmental Sciences 16.2.2024

Information day School of Arts 19.2.2024

Info Day - School of Science, UNG, May 14th 2024

Info Day - School of Arts, UNG, May 14th

Informativni dan Poslovno-tehniške fakultete 2024

Info day of School of Engineering and Management 2024

Information day at the School of Humanities, May 14th

Info dan - Fakultete za znanosti o okolju 13.5.2024

Info dan - Fakultete za znanosti o okolju 14.5.2024

Informativni dan Fakultete za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo UNG, 13. maj 2024